
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Time Management Matrix: Quadrant I - The Stress Zone

Deadline has passed, phone is ringing, someone is trying to talk to you right now, and a crisis is brewing that needs attention right now to keep from blowing up.  You have entered the stress zone.

Life has stress in it, but living with constant stress is not an option most of us would want.  Quadrant I is the pressure point of the Time Management Matrix.  Things here are urgent and important.  These issues must be dealt with right now.  Sometimes life has to be dealt with right now. 

I am a firm believer in being proactive.  Quadrant I is just the opposite, this is a reactive area.  The reason people end up in this quadrant could be lack of planning, lack of foresight, or procrastination or spending too much time in Quadrant III or IV. 

We all have meetings we have to attend, deadlines to meet, and have pressing issues.  However, the stress levels of these issues depend on how well prepared we are for the meetings and deadlines.  Procrastination leads to a lot of stress.  Next week I’ll talk about Quadrant II.  The more time we spend doing Quadrant II themes, the less time we spend stressed.  Stress free is a good goal. 

I have found in my own life when I procrastinate things, or fail to use my time wisely I end up in Quadrant I unprepared and stress.  I enter quadrant I every day, but if I am prepared for the events then my stress level is much lower.

So are you ready for your entry into Quadrant I?  What do you do to lessen your stress?


Cat Woods said...

I am so excited about your quadrants and can't wait to learn how to stay out of Quadrant1!Or at least not find myself entering it a big ball of stress!


Dean C. Rich said...


Glad you are enjoying these quadrants. Hope to have some good insights for you.

Thanks for stopping by.

Dean C. Rich said...


Glad you are enjoying these quadrants. Hope to have some good insights for you.

Thanks for stopping by.