Today I am happy to have Cornelia Amiri as a guest here on The Write Time. This is her last stop in her five part interview. Check out the other parts of her interview:
Part 1 @ Terri - Wednesday, September 12th
Part 2 @ Teresa, Thursday, September 13th
Part 3 @ Emily, Friday, September 14th
Part 4 @ Sandra, Monday, September 17th
Cornelia Amiri is the author of 16 romance books, including the Steampunk/romance she writes under the name Maeve Alpin. She lives in Houston, TX with her wonderful son and granddaughter.
So Cornelia, are you ready to share some of the bits of wisdom you've collected in your journey to publication? Have a seat over here and lets chat.
Tell us about your route to success –did you use an agent?
How did you land your agent and/or publisher?
A writing acquaintance founded Eternal Press and sent me an
invitation to submit. Eventually I had something to submit and they published
it, A Fine Cauldron of Fish, and they have published several books for me
since. I thought Druidess was right for them and submitted I to them only and
they accepted it.
Why did you choose to go with a small/independent press?
The way I did it, I chose a good publisher and they
happened to be an e-book publisher. When I decided I would take the plunge and
submit my first novel, The Fox Prince, I went to the Preditors &
Editors website, clicked on book publishers, and
began with the A’s. I looked at recommended publishers only, who were open to
historical/romances set in a time period prior to 1000 AD. Awe-Struck was the first publisher that
fit. I submitted The Fox Prince
to them and they accepted it. I continued to use well established royalty payin
gEbook publishers, currently I write for Eternal Press, Lyrical Press, and
Ellora’s Cave. I never have and never will regret my decision to go with
Awe-Struck. I didn’t pick them because they are an e-book publisher, I just
chose them because they’re a good publisher..
I highly recommend well thought of royalty paying Ebook publishers to both readers and writers.
For a first book the query and publishing process is a huge step. You learn new things from being published and you learn new things when you branch out and deal with different publishers. I wouldn’t change anything about my first querying and publishing experience in 2001. It was wonderful. When I received the e-mail form Awe Struck accepting my novel, the "Fox Prince", I was on cloud nine. Bubbling with happiness, I was more animated then usual at work. I followed my standard good mornings with, "Did you hear about my book?" I e-mailed my publisher, Kathryn Struck, to tell her that I too was attending the Romantic Times convention and that I would love to meet her. She replied, "I am taking all the Awe Struck authors to dinner on Thursday and would love for you to join us." I walked around work waving the e-mail saying, "Look, look, I'm going to have dinner with my publisher and the other Awe-Struck authors."
Do you have any advice for other writers?
Never stop writing, put your inner-editor
aside and finish the rough draft. Find your unique author voice and go with it,
always. Never give up, following a dream is always hard work, but it's the only
way to truly live.
What are your current / future project(s)?
If you like
Druidess, it’s sequel, Druid Bride is available as well. I also have a
young adult Celtic/Fantasy/Romance which recently came out, The Prince of
Powys. I am working on two Steampunk/Romance books and three
Vampire/Romance novellas

Blog: I’m one of
the Steamed writers -
Facebook page:
Goodreads author
print and eBook
Thank you for stopping by and sharing with all of us here at The Write Time.
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